Direct Parker Ancestors

Direct Ancestors of the Parker Line

A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck

The Joseph Peck in question here is the original immigrant of the Massachusettes Pecks, distinct in the U.S. from the New Haven family descended from immigrant Deacon William Peck, and his brother Joshua.

A PDF of this book is available at or google books

A Genialogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck

Founding Families of New Haven, CT

Images from Grove St. Cemetary, New Haven, CT

All photos © 2017 Kenneth Dombrowski

Peck, William

My 10 * great-grandfather. Stone is leaning against the north wall, being one of those removed from what is now the Green.

William Peck headstone

Here Lyes Deacon William Peck Aged 93 Deces Octo y 14 1694

Genealogy Pages