Git Server Setup
These are my notes regarding setting up GitWeb and gitolite to host public and private git repos on my hosted instance.
My requirements for a git server include:
- Both public and private repositories
- User groups, and whitelist access to repos based on them
- Restrict write access to master
- Restrict write access to other branches to owner/group
I am migrating from an older system which used
gitosis for the
same purpose. gitolite
has for the most part superceded gitosis
, and is
the only one of the two available in portage.
Install Gitolite
kenneth@kennethd:~$ sudo emerge dev-vcs/gitolite
Copy bare repositories into place
Having already used rsync
to copy the repositories directory from the
old gitosis server to the new gitolite user, move it to the git user’s
directory & verify ownership
Note this bit is being run as root
kennethd ~ # rsync -r ~kenneth/tmp/repositories ~git/
kennethd ~ # chown -R git:git ~git/repositories
kennethd ~ # ls -l ~git
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 75 git git 76 Sep 18 21:13 repositories
Gitolite’s docs warn:
Gitolite will clobber any existing update hook in your repos when you do this. Please see either the cookbook or the non-core page for information on how to make your existing update hook work with gitolite.
Gitolite may clobber any existing “git-daemon-export-ok” file in your repo; see the page on allowing access to gitweb and git-daemon for how to enable that via gitolite.
Run setup
kenneth@kennethd:~$ sudo cp ./.ssh/ ~git/
kenneth@kennethd:~$ sudo su - git
git@kennethd ~ $ mkdir -p .gitolite/logs
git@kennethd ~ $ gitolite setup -pk
Setup will create bare repository ~git/repositories/testing.git
and add it
to ~git/projects.list
Daemonize git-daemon
is used to provide anonymous read access to public archives.
There are a lot of options available for creating a service for git-daemon
, a partial list:
- supervisord which is what I plan to use on this server, and will set up below
- runit my old gitosis server’s runit config is documented here
- sysvinit – link goes to debian’s packaged config
- systemd config from official git docs
- Ubuntu’s upstart config from official git docs
- xinetd there’s an old HOWTO here
Install supervisord
kenneth@kennethd:~$ sudo emerge app-admin/supervisor
If you want your regular user to be able to run supervisorctl
, it needs to be added to the group supervisor
kenneth@kennethd:~$ sudo gpasswd -a kenneth supervisor
sudo su - $LOGNAME
to obtain a shell with the newly added group activated
Create gitdaemon user for read-only access to the repositories
This user will own the git-daemon
kenneth@kennethd:~$ sudo useradd --system --no-user-group --home-dir /nonexistent --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gitdaemon
kenneth@kennethd:~$ grep git /etc/passwd
git:x:105:103:added by portage for gitolite:/var/lib/gitolite:/bin/sh