Headless torrents on the console with deluge


sudo apt install deluged deluge-console

Add override for systemd service to require mount point

From https://deluge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/systemd-service.html :

“If you have a USB disk drive or network drive that may not be immediately available on boot or disconnected at random then you may want the deluged service to wait for mount point to be ready before starting. If they are unmounted or disconnected then deluged is stopped. When they become available again deluged is started.”

Package defaults are defined in /lib/systemd/system/deluged.service

To create a file to override/define new settings, use systemctl edit

kenneth@fado $ sudo -E systemctl edit deluged

This will create /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service.d/override.conf & launch your editor to modify it. Note sudo -E preserves environment, used here to allow me to edit with vim, I couldn’t get systemctl edit to respect EDITOR, VISUAL, or SYSTEMD_EDITOR as set in /root/.bashrc, even with env_keep mods to visudo (grumble grumble fuckin goddamn systemd pile of shit)

Edit the [Unit] & [Install] sections to look like below, mnt-seagate is my USB drive where torrent files are written, to see the mount points systemd recognizes on your system use the command sudo systemctl -t mount

kenneth@fado $ cat /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service.d/override.conf
Description=Deluge Bittorrent Client Daemon
# Start after network and specified mounts are available.
After=network-online.target mnt-seagate.mount
# Stops deluged if mount points disconnect

WantedBy=multi-user.target mnt-seagate.mount